DC battery disconnecting switches
S194 150 A unipolar
S194 150 A auxiliar
S196 300 A unipolar
S196 150 A bipolar
. The device defined battery disconnecting switchs is an auxiliary control suitable for electric sectioning.The device is in the normally closed position, it complies with requirement specified for the safety of the staff working on 'driven equipment. For this reason, it is operated manually by trained operatives rely on the for a prompt reaction in case of danger.The use of contacts with positive opening is a fundamental characteristic element in the construction of the device, since the positive opening ensures the contact that opens the circuit of electric emergency, in the presence of an anomaly (Ex. contact weld due to a short circuit) the external force applied to the actuator manual is able to open the contact still guaranteeing the stop function.
via Milano 15 20062 Cassano D'adda (Mi) +39 3286972169 / info@sacomeng.it